Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, Pilsen (Czechia)
Evaluation of semester works of the winter semester 2024 at FDU Pilsen
photo credit: Stepan Varvarovsky for FDU
After a year, we had the opportunity to be part of the committee for evaluating semester projects at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Our invitation came from the head of the studio, Jan Korábečný.
The focus of this semester’s student projects was centered on Sleds — a challenge that pushed students to not only design but also physically test their creations, providing a firsthand look at their practicality and unveiling any design or construction flaws.
This experience was not just about evaluation – We were pleased to share feedback with the students, offering insights into presentation techniques, strategic thinking, and material selection with a keen eye on the end user. Our discussions were into the importance of branding, brand and product recognition, technology and the exciting possibilities of using AI in the design process — a testament to our commitment to innovation and forward-thinking. The atmosphere of collaboration among the students was particularly inspiring. Witnessing their camaraderie, mutual support, and shared view of each other as colleagues rather than competitors highlighted the vibrant spirit of the studio. This collaborative mindset is crucial in the world of industrial design, where collective efforts often lead to groundbreaking outcomes.
In addition to the sledge design, the range of student projects was very broad and reflected the diverse interests and innovative spirit of the students. Some ventured into the field of automotive design and showed their ability to combine performance with aesthetics with their go-kart projects. Others took a different route and focused on everyday objects with projects such as kitchen blenders that required attention to both functionality and user experience. Particularly compelling were projects such as hand implants for young children and various industrial machines that highlighted students’ commitment to solving real-world challenges through design.
We were happy to provide feedback on these diverse projects and share our thoughts on presentation skills, strategic approaches and choice of materials, always with the end user in mind.
Located in Pilsen, a city with a rich industrial heritage, the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty is ideally positioned to influence the future of design. Returning to my, Miloslav Melicharek, Alma mater to contribute to this evolving story has been an incredibly fulfilling experience and has offered me the opportunity to give back to the community that once started my own creative journey.
Pilsen’s industrial heritage provides an inspiring backdrop for these young designers and highlights the important role they play in industrial development, innovation, sustainability and economic growth. Their work goes far beyond the aesthetic and influences the functionality, sustainability and economic impact of their designs. Thoughtfully designed products foster a deeper connection between user and product and encourage sustainable practices such as repair instead of replacement.
And a little piece of friendly advice for the students: Don’t forget to put your name on your presentation—yes, on every single slide. 😉
…Ooor just be creative and adaptive as Štěpán Varvařovský was 🙂

Leaders of industrial design department, Werkemotion designers, bachelor and master students
The importance of collaboration, innovation, and sustainability is shaping the future of our industry. We’re excited to see the contributions these talented individuals will make to the design world and hope to welcome some of them into our team in the near future, where they can continue to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation.
Pilsen, Czechia
Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art
The Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, also called ‘Sutnarka’ or ‘Sutnar Faculty’ for short, is a modern art school whose students, under the guidance of a number of important artists and designers, earn their Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in a wide range of fields focused mainly on design and applied art. Read more