
Summer design workshop


[EN] As of yesterday, we have begun our summer seminar at WERKEMOTION for young graduates and future graduates of School of Applied Arts Josefa Vydru in Bratislava. They will learn our design process from first drafts, through creative thinking and design to end product presentation.

More than ever, the emphasis will lie in the process, rather than end result. We are certain our 5 bright minds will take home many valuable insights!

[CZ] Včerejším začal v prostorách design Werkemotion Letní kurz designu pro vybrané a 2 budoucí Škola úžitkového výtvarníctva Josefa Vydru, Bratislava.

Během týdne doslova proletíme design proces od zadání, inspirace, kresby, design thinking a prezentace. Více než kdy jindy není důležitý výsledek, ale cesta a to, co si 5 kluků s vášní pro design z workshopu odnesou.

#werkemotion #summerworkshop #support #kdyzmuzutakpomuzu


Proposal – inspiration – research – brainstorming


Sketching, sketching, sketching – trying new sketching techniques – finding proportions


Proportions, proportions, proportions


Final sketching and digital colour demonstration
Werkemotion support logo

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